K-12 Forms

Fillable forms are marked with * and work best when saved to computer or viewed outside of browser.


Box Submission Help
Here are several keys for successful uploads of documents to Box

  • Make sure the document name includes information to identify the school, the date of the document, and what the document is. For example, if you are CCC Adventist School and are submitting you board minutes for July 10, 2023, you could name your document something like CCCAS 2023-07-10 Board Minutes.

  • Do not place multiple documents in a single folder and then upload the folder. Many of the folders you are to upload your documents into have automatic rules that move the file documents to the correct folder to be processed by a specific individual. These rules do not apply to folders. So, when you create a folder and put all your documents into it, the documents stay in the folder and are not moved for processing. They are “lost” until someone sees that folders have been inappropriately used in a folder.

  • Some folders have recreated folders for you to use. The Secondary Curriculum uploads folder is an example. In that case you can directly drop your files into the correct folder for your school.

  • For many of the folders, you will see the file you uploaded and then 10 to 20 seconds later it will be gone. This means that file has been moved to the folder of the person who will process it.

  • If you upload a file and then want to open it to see if it was the correct file, you will not be able to do so. All files in the uploads folder are locked to those labeled as “uploader."  Even though you can see the file, you will not be able to open any file in the School Uploads Folder.  (If you are able to view an uploaded file, there is an error that needs to be corrected. Please let us know of this error.)


Renweb/Dashboard Help

  1. Help Page with Links and Guides
  2. Data Rollup 2020-2021


FACTS/Renweb and Other Information Links

  1. Weblinks for Random but Good Information


Academic/Student Forms

  1. Overnight and Out of Union Trip Request form 2023-2024

  2. * Pacific Union Conference Consent to Medical Treatment Form

  3. * Pacific Union Conference Student Application Form

  4. * Student Acceleration

  5. * Student Retention

  6. *CCC Advanced Honors Diploma Requirements

  7. *Advanced Honors Diploma Application

  8. *Advanced Honors Diploma Scholarship Application

  9. Student Study Team (SST) Form [Word Document || PDF file]

  10. Measurable Action Plan (MAP) Form [Word Document || PDF file]



Personnel Forms


  1. Travel Voucher

  2. Employee Absence and Leave Bank Policy

  3. Financial Provisions of 10-Month Assignment Teacher Employment Plan - PUC Education Code F11-112

  4. Child Abuse Statement and California Penal Code Citations

  5. Conflict of Interest

  6. * Monthly Vacation/Meeting Report (K-12 twelve month employee)

  7. * Monthly Vacation/Meeting Report (ECEC twelve month employee)

  8. Request for Additional Teacher Budgets

  9. Certification Renewal (*NOTE: Please read the document titled "Certification Renewal Process.pdf" before proceeding to fill out renewal form. You may not need to fill out this form!)

  10. Substitute Teacher Payroll and Teacher Absence Report

  11. School Safety (Risk Management)

  12. Instructions for Filing a Workers' Compensation Claim 

  13. Tuition Waiver Authorization Form (PDF)

  14. LSU Tuition Waiver (Fillable Online)

  15. Letter of Intent

  16. Summer Employment Form



  1. Calendar Variance

  2. Elementary & Junior Academy Supplementary Report

  3. Secondary Supplementary Report

  4. 7-Point Financial Summary (MS Excel)



Teacher Evaluation Forms

  1. *Walkthrough Observation Form

  2. Classroom Observation Checklist

  3. Classroom Walkthrough Checklist 

  4. Tips for Principals in Classroom Observations

  5. Supervision Observations: The Five Stages 

  6. Supervion Letter Template 

  7. Evaluation Checklist - 6 Steps for Success

  8. Summative Evaluation - Word Document or PDF 

  9. CCC Teacher Perfomance Standards

  10. Evaluation Checklist - 6 Steps for Success

  11. K-2 Student Feedback for Teachers

  12. Grades 3-12 Student Feedback for Teachers Chart Form or Survey Form

  13. Differentiated Teacher Evaluation

  14. Professional Goals -  PDF (fillable) or Word Document**
    **Only compatible with Microsoft Office 365

  15. Early Primary Questionnaire


Property Lease Information

  1. School Instructions



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