K-12 Office of Education


Ken Bullington

Ken Bullington, born and raised in Fresno, has been with the Central California Conference since 1992 after 14 years at Bakersfield Adventist Academy as a teacher and principal. Over the years, he has seen the effects of CCC Adventist education firsthand. "Our students grow up and start to give back," says Ken. "It's exciting to see so many actively involved in churches and schools now."

"We are constantly working to connect kids to Jesus through everything we do," says Ken. "I love watching our students, teachers and principals develop their walk with God. When I hear the students telling how Jesus has changed their lives, I realize that all the behind-the-scenes work we do is worthwhile."

Ken's wife, Deanna, teaches first grade at Fresno Adventist Academy and their son Kyle attends Pacific Union College. A lover of all sports, Ken especially enjoys running because of the quiet time it allows him with Jesus. One of his favorite scriptures, 1 Timothy 6:12, fits well - "Run hard and fast in the faith."


Contact me at: 559-347-3051; kbullington@cccsda.org