Distance Learning Resources for Mathematics


  • The California Math Festival Program and California Mathematics Council have provided the Math at Home, Helping Your Children Learn and Enjoy Mathematics 32-page booklet for free! This booklet is available in both English AND Spanish.

    The Math at Home booklet includes sections: Making Math Part of Your Family’s Life, Giving Your Child a Good Start in Math, Discovering the Math in Your Home, Connecting Math and Reading, Helping with Homework, Building a Math Tool-Kit, Engaging English Learners in Math, and many more!

  • Download links:
    Math at Home  [English]
    Matemáticas en la Casa [Español]


Math Communities, from the American Institute of Mathematics, is offering free and interactive online events that "have a primary focus on building community through sharing joyful mathematics." During this time of sheltering in place, Math Communities is a way for students, teachers, and families to continue engaging with mathematics from their homes. 

Visit the Math Communities website to discover more!

For Teachers

Big Ideas Math is offering numerous free articles to assist teachers, students, and parents in the transition to distance learning.
Discover more of their available resources here!

Youcubed at Standford University has a plethora of math-centric activities and tasks for all grades, including a helpful "Choose-Your-Own-Maths-Adventure" week planning tool! Check out their selection of resources here!

All of the following additional resources have been recommended by Andrews University 

  1. mathsisfun.com

  2. mathplanet.com

  3. schoolyourself.org

* If you know of a resource that you would like to use, contact the publisher or representative and request free access to pilot the material for the remainder of the term.