Facility Lease Use Forms and Information


  • Overview of Lease Forms in Active PDF Form
Short-term Use Agreements
Longer-term Use Agreements
  • Month-to-Month
  • Term Lease
  • Term Lease Extension
Residential Lease
  • School Owned Residential Property
  • Required Residential Paint Brochure
  • Required Residential Paint Disclosure

Overview of the Lease Forms and Processes Long and Short-Term Rentals

School facilities are many times in high demand. Various groups would like to use your school for a variety of purposes. There are several items to consider before you allow someone to use your facility.

  • How will the use of your facility impact your overall educational program?

  • Will the use of your facility require you to expend additional funds?

  • How will the use of your facility impact your overall property tax liability?

  • If something happens when a group is using the school, how do you protect the school?

    Each of these answers can help you as you look at your rental process, charges, and who you let use the school facility. The answers can also form the basis of the school rental policy.

    The Education Department Web page has a link to School Lease Agreement Instructions. This document can guide you through the process (https://cccedu.adventistfaith.org/uploaded_assets/527702). This document provides a link that will connect you to each of the lease documents.

    Short-term Use Agreement: Less than One Week (Length is still under review). Agreements two and three require insurance documents.) Considerations: These agreements should be controlled by a policy developed by the administration and the school board. This policy may allow for the administration to enter into these agreements without prior board approval. (But the board should be kept informed as to when the facility was used by others.)

  1. Use by another Conference Organization: School, church, etc.


  2. Use by a non-conference organization: School, church, club, educational service provider, etc. Requires public liability and property damage insurance with a combined single limit of at least TWO MILLION AND 00/100 DOLLARS. https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/3f29c5_be54a0e70d364fc7875be8da296c9a7c.pdf

  3. Use by an individual: One or more people, gathering, meeting, etc.
    Requires public liability and property damage insurance with a combined single limit of at least ONE MILLION AND 00/100 DOLLARS. The individual’s homeowner’s policy is usually able to provide coverage for a small charge.

Longer-term Lease Agreements: Month-to-Month, Term, and Term Extension. (Use the School Lease Agreement Instructions.)

All of these leases require School Board approval and CCC Executive Officer approval. Leases one through three require County Assessor forms completed if tax exempt, and a minimum of $2 million liability coverage. Caution: Non-tax-exempt organizations may rent from you, but that may affect your property tax assessment so lease rates need to account for the increased taxes. Residential property is taxed.

  1. Month-to-Month Lease: For organizations and groups that rent on a repeated schedule each month for a series of months. https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/3f29c5_de95216f49f7455e851d4933164c0637.pdf

  2. Term Lease: For organizations or groups that rent for periods of time up to one year.


  3. Term Lease Extension: Used to renew a previously approved Term Lease.


  4. Residential Lease: Individuals or families renting school owned housing.


    Residential Leases also require the distribution of the Residential Lead Paint Brochure


    and the Residential Lead Paint Disclosure.


Special Use Agreements: After School Programs, During School Programs, Piano or music lessons These types of programs are found at many schools since they enhance the overall program that the school is able to provide even though they are not funded by the school.

A special user agreement is under development that will allow for these relationships to be more formalized. The agreement will allow the school to easily define the term and program parameters while protecting each entity. As soon as this agreement is available it will be provided to each school.

Version: 10-03-17